Also easiest to prepare with the easybag-method.
Also easiest to prepare with the easybag-method.
Yrityksellämme on missio! Suomalaiset kotitaloudet heittävät viemäristä alas 150.000.000 kupillista kahvia vuosittain. Tälle on vihdoin tehtävä jotain!
Näillä sivuilla kerromme lisää kuinka ilmastomuutos ja järjetön kahvin tuhlaus uhkaavat kallisarvoista aamuperinnettämme – tuoretta ja maistuvaa kahvia. Tämä aamukahviamme uhkaava toiminta täytyy pysäyttää! Onneksi voimme tarjota tähän oman ratkaisumme – tavan nauttia vastuullisesti tuoretta kahvia kupillinen kerrallaan. Tue missiotamme ja osta kahvisi yksittäispakattuna. Toimitamme aamukahvisi ovellesi.
Liity klikkaamalla mukaan matkallemme kohti vastuullisempaa kahvikulttuuria. Tinkimättä koskaan laadusta, helppoudesta ja makunautinnosta.
In the lack of better term we came up with one: the #coffeespiration its catchy, easy to share in social media (Surprice! We would like publicity for our cause) and it should ring a bell and wake you up like your morning cup of coffee.
This is our pride and joy. Freshly grounded coffee, perfectly roasted to provide smooth but strong flavour and taste. Dark roast level 4 flavour profile. Place it to your coffee cup, pour boiling water on it and voila!
(it´s French meaning something like surprice, or something, we don´t mind the French they are only number six in coffee consumption per capita in Europe, when us Finns, we are number one! Number one! Finnish per capita coffee consumption is over 12 kilos and the frenchies just around 5,1 kilos..So Go Finland! “torille” as we say. )
Okey, back on track, yes we have this lovely solution for not wasting, coffee, water or energy. We have selected the finest blend of Fairtrade coffee beans to be used in our coffee, that if grounded roasted and packaged In the same facility.
Did you know that roasted coffee starts to go sour when it’s in contact with air? Hmm.. do you keep your filter coffee brigs open in the cupboard? You shouldn’t!
That’s why easybag is yet again the perfect solution. It stays fresh in its own sealed package for you to use right on time. And it’s so easy to take with you to camping, boat trip, picnic to the car or to grandparents that make that strange tasting too strong or weak coffee.. Try it out, and enjoy your morning coffee with peace, knowing you have always fresh fairtrade coffee at your disposal, and share with a friend, place an easybag to friends cup and tell them the truth about #coffeespiration. Join now!
The ultimate benefits are freshness and quality – your personal gourmet coffee experience!
Regular order
Order with 8 coffee bags
7.95 € Buy now
And why 8 bags for morning coffee, when there is 7 days a week? We believe to positive surprises that there will be friends, family members, significant others or just a craving for another cup, so we help you to be prepared.
Flavour profile: Full bodied Fair Trade coffee, Dark roast level 4
Subscription orders
Order with 32 coffee bags / month
29.95 € / month Buy now
And again why 32 bags for morning coffee, when there is approx 30 days in a month? We believe to positive surprises that there will be friends, family members, significant others or just a craving for another cup or mixing your weekend cognacs with nice tasty coffee so we help you to be prepared.
Flavour profile: Full bodied Fair Trade coffee, Dark roast level 4
…or 80 coffee bags / month
49.95 € / month Buy now
Perfect for a office coffee. Save huge ammount on coffee machines, cleaning and fixing. Provide your guests a coffee experience with a message #coffeespiration.
Also a great solution for student flat with group of people, no need for cleaning coffee machines or other peoples messes, just split the bill or use somebody´s parents to sponsor the cahfi for your dorm room.
Flavour profile: Full bodied Fair Trade coffee, Dark roast level 4
Free delivery to one address in Finland (incl. VAT 24%)
..who originally got fed up with horrible coffee served in hotel rooms and airplanes and started to look into if there could be anything done about it.
We stumbled on all these environmental issues about coffee waste, aluminum in the one cup solutions, how you digest the frozen coffee when you drink an instant coffee mix.. lots of things seemed quite off to us.. and we studied and experienced. Our first solutions were horrible..
look at this dip bag for instance
but we didn´t give up, we knew there was ways to do this the better ways..
Now we would like you to join and we also love to invite all of you who love coffee to write us a line why you would be a great ambassador for our message of #coffeespiration and we ship you free samples.. For ambassador click here.